Our Investment Philosophy is Based
on 4 Key Principles
Effective Diversification
We seek to minimize risk and maximize return by constructing portfolios comprised of investments with fundamentally unrelated risk factors.
Limit risk overlap among asset class
Help protect against losses and minimize the chance one investment alters your future in a negative way
Active Management
We consistently monitor global markets to assess market risks, re-balance when appropriate, and take advantage of opportunities.
Leverage industry leading research to actively manage your risk/return forecast
Seek to avoid bubbles and find opportunities
Monitior and Review
Life is always changing, and your plan should respond to that. We commit to constantly monitor your nest egg and review the progress with you regularly.
Meet regularly to discuss changes to your goals and how that applies to your portfolio – at a minimum annually
Monitor the performance of your portfolio and notify you of any recommendations we might have to improve your holdings
Tax Efficiency
We believe that controlling tax liabilities is the most certain way to improve returns.
Increase after-tax investment returns
Lower taxes through strategic asset location, tax loss harvesting, other advanced planning strategies
The tools at our disposal include but not limited to:
Individual Stocks and Bonds
Mutual Funds
Actively Managed Portfolios
Our Team
Our experienced financial advisors help people like you every day. Let Centurion Wealth Advisors help create a customized plan based on your particular situation.
Champe Miller John Jablonski CFS, MBA